If you are interested in winning some awesome prizes just for dressing up as one your favourite book/tv show characters then this is the competition for you.
http://www.sookiestackhouse.com/ are hosting a great Halloween Costume Contest with amazing prizes! See below for more information on the contest =)
Happy Halloween Everyone!!
Is this the best you can come up with for a costume this year?
For shame….
Come up with an original costume of your favorite character from
True Blood, Being Human, Vampire Diaries, Twilight
or any of the characters from the books that we have covered on the site
and on the podcast over the past year…
That’s right, dress up like Eric in a Pink leotard?
Dress like Mac in her special helmet from the Fever series?
Be Katherine and Elena at the same time???
Be inventive and have fun with it…
and you know what?
First prize will win a $50.00 gift card to either Barnes and Noble or Amazon! Yep! Purchase all the books that you’ve always wanted to read…
Second prize will win a Damon Salvatore Standee, yes you can have Damon in your bedroom all the time.
Third prize will win a 2011 Men of True Blood calendar, please do not tell us what you will do to Joe’s or Alex’s pages.
Submissions are from Saturday, October 2nd – Saturday, October 23rd.
You must submit a picture of yourself in your costume.
Email it w/ a description, just in case we cannot figure out what you are supposed to be, to lastbitepodcast@gmail.com.
The staff of SookieStackhouse.com will pick the 5 best costumes and then we will allow everyone to vote for the winner.
Voting will be from Sunday, October 24 – Saturday, October 30th.
The winner will be announced on the October 31st Last Bite Podcast and will be contacted via email to get their shipping information.
Good Luck and Let the Games Begin!