Monday 31 May 2010

Review: Undead and Unworthy - MaryJanice Davidson

My Rating: E, L, H

Published: 2008
Publisher: Piatkus

Author's Website:

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Having recently lost her dad and stepmother, Betsy Sinclair (nee Taylor) is adjusting to rather more than just married life. Their untimely deaths have left her and Eric as sole guardians of her little brother. Two vampire parents – albeit vampire royalty – for a decidedly human baby. Still, Betsy is more than up for the challenge. If only everyone would stop being so nervous around her, given her sudden recent burst of power. Betsy most emphatically Does Not Want To Discuss It, and for the moment everyone is following her lead.

But then the ghost of Betsy’s stepmother turns up at their house. And as stubborn and insufferable as she was in life, she’s even more annoying in death – especially as she regards her demise as all Betsy’s fault!

Undead and Unworthy is the seventh instalment in the Queen Betsy series by MaryJanice Davidson. Once again there is action, humour and some ludicrous outbursts from Betsy, although Tina throws a mean tantrum too.

I absolutely loved this book, I think my favourite part of the book by far was chapter one. Once you read this you will understand and I don’t want to ruin it for those of you who haven’t read it yet. All I can say is Sinclair and Betsy are left very disappointed.

The Fiends make a reappearance in this book and it’s not in a friendly way. Luckily Betsy knows what to do and sorts everything out. I thought it was good to revisit the Fiends as they weren’t mentioned much in the previous book.

Betsy’s powers are a no go area of discussion in this book for her and it seems that everyone else is staying off the subject. I feel bad for Betsy here as she doesn’t know where the powers came from or how to control them if she accidentally calls on them.

I think this book is appropriately named. Betsy feels unworthy for all the things her friends does for her, unworthy to be a queen to the vampires as she doesn’t think she is helping them, unworthy of Sinclair etc etc. Basically Betsy is sort of wallowing in self pity for part of this book until she snaps out of it of course and kicks some butt.

There was a really nice moment where Antonia the werewolf defends Betsy and I thought this was a very loyal thing to do. The ending was rather unexpected and I didn’t like certain parts of it. I can’t really say why or else it will spoil the book for you.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I would recommend it to anyone who doesn’t want to read a serious in depth plot paranormal novel. The series as a whole is great for a laugh and also there is a great plot line to the story but it’s nothing too sinister or tricky to understand. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do know own this book and I have not been paid to review this book. I borrowed this book from the library and everything I have said is of my own honest opinion.

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