Well it's been a while since I have written anything on here!
Life has been rather hectic and doesn't seem to be settling down anytime soon so from today onwards there will be no more posts or reviews.
I will be looking to closing down my blog at some point soon and maybe some time in the future I will create a new blog but I'm not quite sure.
So for now..I hope you all have a lovely time going around the blogosphere!! There are some amazing blogs out there for you all to visit :)

Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Monday, 13 February 2012
Guest Post: Dinner For Vampires by LIv Rancourt
As part of the 'A Vampire's Deadly Delight' book blog tour hosted by The Bookish Snob Promotions, I have the lovely Liv Rancourt over here visiting the blog for today.
Book Blurb
She’s a quiet, unassuming bookstore owner by day, but by night...
Kristen has a deadly secret—when she smells a vampire, she turns into Jai, a beauti-licious babe who makes vamps permanently dead. To a vamp, Jai is like ambrosia. They can’t resist her. She uses this attraction, plus her super strength and her trusty blade, Mr. Sticky, to end their undead lives. The thrill of wearing miniskirts without worrying about cellulite stifles any qualms Kristen might have about killing the undead. Being Jai is the most fun she has ever had—until they come up against the one vampire Jai can’t kill. If he and Jai have a history, as he claims, Jai can’t remember it...or him.
But when her work catches the attention of some old enemies—who won’t hesitate to destroy Kristen if it also means the end of Jai—this vampire may be their only hope. Can Kristen and Jai learn to tell the difference between good and evil in time to defeat Jai’s ancient nemesis? Or will being Jai’s hostess cost Kristen more than just a little sleep?
Dinner for Vampires
Seems like lately I keep tripping over blog posts by writers (myself included) who feel the need to justify the creation of yet another vampire character. You know what? I’m not going to apologize anymore. I write about vampires. Deal with it.
Instead, I’m going to write about what I’d serve a vampire if he was coming to dinner. Um, besides myself, of course.
I’d probably start with a glass of red wine…I like a pinot, or maybe a shiraz. Nothing with too much oak in it.
…and maybe serve some cheese with it, you know? Little bites of cheese, some that are hard and tangy, and some that are smooth and creamy and spreadable…
For the main course, I’d serve pasta with a rich meat sauce. I’d go light on the garlic, of course…
And I’d have a loaf of crusty bread with olive oil for dipping…and smearing…
And desert would, of course, somehow involve chocolate, thick and smooth and sweet….
You’re probably wondering whether my vampire dinner guest could actually eat what I’d serve him. Well, no, probably not, but I can, so the menu includes all my favorites. He’ll dine later…
Thank you for stopping by Liv..that dinner sounds absolutely lush and I would definitely be adding garlic to my meal, just in case your guests get a bit hungry :)
About The Author
Liv Rancourt is a writer of speculative fiction and romance. She lives in Seattle with her husband, two teenagers, two cats and one wayward puppy. Writing stories that have happy endings is a good way to balance her work in the neonatal intensive care unit, and she is thrilled to be publishing her first novella with Black Opal Books. Liv can be found on-line at her website (), her blog (), on Facebook (), or on Twitter ().
The next stop on the tour is Reader Girls tomorrow.
Also, don't miss out on your chance to win a copy of the original artwork at tha author's final stop at her blog - link here.

Book Blurb
She’s a quiet, unassuming bookstore owner by day, but by night...
Kristen has a deadly secret—when she smells a vampire, she turns into Jai, a beauti-licious babe who makes vamps permanently dead. To a vamp, Jai is like ambrosia. They can’t resist her. She uses this attraction, plus her super strength and her trusty blade, Mr. Sticky, to end their undead lives. The thrill of wearing miniskirts without worrying about cellulite stifles any qualms Kristen might have about killing the undead. Being Jai is the most fun she has ever had—until they come up against the one vampire Jai can’t kill. If he and Jai have a history, as he claims, Jai can’t remember it...or him.
But when her work catches the attention of some old enemies—who won’t hesitate to destroy Kristen if it also means the end of Jai—this vampire may be their only hope. Can Kristen and Jai learn to tell the difference between good and evil in time to defeat Jai’s ancient nemesis? Or will being Jai’s hostess cost Kristen more than just a little sleep?
Dinner for Vampires
Seems like lately I keep tripping over blog posts by writers (myself included) who feel the need to justify the creation of yet another vampire character. You know what? I’m not going to apologize anymore. I write about vampires. Deal with it.
Instead, I’m going to write about what I’d serve a vampire if he was coming to dinner. Um, besides myself, of course.
I’d probably start with a glass of red wine…I like a pinot, or maybe a shiraz. Nothing with too much oak in it.
…and maybe serve some cheese with it, you know? Little bites of cheese, some that are hard and tangy, and some that are smooth and creamy and spreadable…
For the main course, I’d serve pasta with a rich meat sauce. I’d go light on the garlic, of course…
And I’d have a loaf of crusty bread with olive oil for dipping…and smearing…
And desert would, of course, somehow involve chocolate, thick and smooth and sweet….
You’re probably wondering whether my vampire dinner guest could actually eat what I’d serve him. Well, no, probably not, but I can, so the menu includes all my favorites. He’ll dine later…
Thank you for stopping by Liv..that dinner sounds absolutely lush and I would definitely be adding garlic to my meal, just in case your guests get a bit hungry :)
About The Author
Liv Rancourt is a writer of speculative fiction and romance. She lives in Seattle with her husband, two teenagers, two cats and one wayward puppy. Writing stories that have happy endings is a good way to balance her work in the neonatal intensive care unit, and she is thrilled to be publishing her first novella with Black Opal Books. Liv can be found on-line at her website (), her blog (), on Facebook (), or on Twitter ().
The next stop on the tour is Reader Girls tomorrow.
Also, don't miss out on your chance to win a copy of the original artwork at tha author's final stop at her blog - link here.

Monday, 30 January 2012
Love Is The Drug Winner
Hi folks!
Sorry for taking so long in posting the winner for this giveaway!
Life has been a but nuts lately..but that's for another post.
Anyways...the winner of the e-book giveaway of 'Love Is The Drug' is...
Congratulations Terri. I have passed your details on to The Bookish Snob and they will be in touch with your prize.
Friday, 13 January 2012
Interview with L.M. Pruitt: Author of 'Taken' & Giveaway
As part of the 'Taken' book blog tour hosted by The Bookish Snob Promotions, the amazing L.M. Pruitt has stopped by to answer some questions. You can find my review and links to where to purchase the book.
1. Describe ‘Taken’ in three words.
--Smart, sexy, and dangerous
2. How many books have you written? If more than once, which is your favorite?
--Right now I have three books out—Shades of Gray, New Moon Rising and Taken, with Shades of Desire coming out next month. Out of those completed four, I’d have to say Taken is my favorite.
3. When did you realize your first wanted to be a writer?
--I’ve always written, usually fluffy, chick-lit type stuff. It wasn’t until the last couple of years I seriously started writing, and only recently have I thought about being able to write as a genuine career.
4. Do you have strange habits that help with your writing?
--I wouldn’t say strange, really. I tend to have playlists for songs or types of scenes. If I get stuck, I’ll revert to handwriting/long hand for a bit to clear the muck. Probably my strangest habit is reading my raw chapters—those I’ve sent to my crit partner, Shea MacLeod—on my phone while at the bar. If it can hold my attention even while competing with vodka, I’m on the right track.
5. What kind of research did you do to ‘Taken’?
--Quite a bit, actually. Some is standard for any book—location details, income and job specifications. For Taken, I also did research on human trafficking, the Russian Mafiya, New York state name changing procedures, handguns, Tasers, the AFCIS system—basically, a ton of stuff. About half I pulled from old school textbooks (I was a criminology major) and family members who are former law enforcement. The rest? I’d like to thank Ask.com.
6. What is your favourite part/scene from ‘Taken’?
--Wow. This is genuinely tough. Since I only get to pick one, I’d say the chapter where the truth about Frankie and Jack—or the partial truth, anyway—comes to light. It drives home the complexity and need in their relationship even while amping up the mystery about their past. In other words, it appeals to both the mind and the heart—and I don’t get to write too many scenes like that.
About The Author
L.M. Pruitt has been reading and writing for as long as she can remember. A native of Florida with a love of New Orleans, she has the uncanny ability to find humor in most things and would probably kill a plastic plant. Titles written include New Moon Rising, Shades of Gray, the first novel in the Jude Magdalyn series, as well as Hole in the Wall, a Jude Magdalyn short. She is currently at work on Taken. She makes her home in Florida with one two cats—one smart, the other an idiot.
Connect with her at:
Personal Blog: http://www.lmpruitt.blogspot.com/
Facebook: L.M. Pruitt
Twitter: lmpruitt
Here's your chance to win an e-copy of 'Taken'' as L.M. Pruitt has kindly agreed to giveaway one e-copy to one of you lucky followers!
To enter:
- You MUST be a follower of my blog
- Leave a comment on this post with your e-mail address
And that's it, easy peasy lemon squeezy. Competition will close at 6pm UK time on the 20th January.
Next stop, tomorrow, on the tour is The Wormhole
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Release Day Book Blitz: Blood Oath by Belinda Boring (a.k.a The Bookish Snob)
Welcome to the release day book blitz for Belinda Boring's "Blood Oath".
Blood Oath Blurb
Someone is trying to send a deadly message to Mason, arranging the deaths of those he loves and it puts the entire pack and Alpha on high alert. Plans are made but when the enemy strikes another painful blow by entering into the heart of pack property and kidnapping Darcy, Mason declares war. There’s nothing he won’t do to keep his future mate and pack safe.
Darcy understands the primal instincts driving her beloved Mason’s commands. With the help of those he sets as protectors, she learns about herself and the things she’ll need to help support her Alpha and pack. When events turn dire however, one truth offers her strength – once given, a blood oath is unbreakable … even if it means risking it all.
Now here's a wee teaser for you all =)
“ … I know I’ll spend the remainder of my life fulfilling my promise, even when it means I’m stuck with a family member who thinks he’s reached bad ass status by calling himself Vlad.” He scoffed as he ran his fingers through his hair before crossing his arms over his chest. “Of course, maybe it’s an improvement from his birth name, which was Cuthbert. I called him Bertie for short, which annoyed him to no end.”
I snorted. “Really?” I asked, loving the way he was sharing about his family. I couldn’t remember the last time he had talked this long about himself. I was almost too hesitant to interrupt. “Well, it could’ve been worse, you know?”
“How so?” He asked, looking curious.
“He could’ve called himself Edward, or Jasper. Sparkling is the “in” thing right now.”
Devlin groaned loudly. “I would’ve staked him myself.”
Laughing hard, I grabbed my sides as I imagined him chasing poor Vlad around the room with a stake. Just when I thought I could stop, an image of Devlin glittering in the sun filled my mind, sending me into another round of hysterics.
“Now what?” he said, scowling at my laughter
“I was picturing what you’d look like as a Cullen. I think you’d totally rock the sparkle.”
“Yeah, enough.” He held up his hand, shaking his head. “Next topic.”
Here's a little information about the author Belina Boring...
A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self-proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion for books on her blog The Bookish Snob. With all that excitement, it wasn’t long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can’t help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn’t be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes. Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life. Happy reading!
To celebrate the release of Blood Oath, Belinda is giving away an e-copy of Blood Oath to EVERY COMMENTER!!!
If you have found this page a while into the future, then here are some links to where you can buy Blood Oath:
Barnes and Noble
Thanks for stopping by =)
Darcy understands the primal instincts driving her beloved Mason’s commands. With the help of those he sets as protectors, she learns about herself and the things she’ll need to help support her Alpha and pack. When events turn dire however, one truth offers her strength – once given, a blood oath is unbreakable … even if it means risking it all.
Now here's a wee teaser for you all =)
“ … I know I’ll spend the remainder of my life fulfilling my promise, even when it means I’m stuck with a family member who thinks he’s reached bad ass status by calling himself Vlad.” He scoffed as he ran his fingers through his hair before crossing his arms over his chest. “Of course, maybe it’s an improvement from his birth name, which was Cuthbert. I called him Bertie for short, which annoyed him to no end.”
I snorted. “Really?” I asked, loving the way he was sharing about his family. I couldn’t remember the last time he had talked this long about himself. I was almost too hesitant to interrupt. “Well, it could’ve been worse, you know?”
“How so?” He asked, looking curious.
“He could’ve called himself Edward, or Jasper. Sparkling is the “in” thing right now.”
Devlin groaned loudly. “I would’ve staked him myself.”
Laughing hard, I grabbed my sides as I imagined him chasing poor Vlad around the room with a stake. Just when I thought I could stop, an image of Devlin glittering in the sun filled my mind, sending me into another round of hysterics.
“Now what?” he said, scowling at my laughter
“I was picturing what you’d look like as a Cullen. I think you’d totally rock the sparkle.”
“Yeah, enough.” He held up his hand, shaking his head. “Next topic.”
Here's a little information about the author Belina Boring...
A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self-proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion for books on her blog The Bookish Snob. With all that excitement, it wasn’t long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can’t help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn’t be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes. Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life. Happy reading!
To celebrate the release of Blood Oath, Belinda is giving away an e-copy of Blood Oath to EVERY COMMENTER!!!
If you have found this page a while into the future, then here are some links to where you can buy Blood Oath:
Barnes and Noble
Thanks for stopping by =)
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